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Amanda Rachel & Robin Beatrice
Amanda was born on Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 3:16 pm
Robin was born on Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 9:24 pm

February 2010

This month we had snow. A lot of it. More than we care to remember. Family harmony was put to the test after being trapped in the house together for a week, including one day with no electricity or heat. Happily, we all emerged unscathed and even had a little fun together. Robin worked really hard on crawling, and even started to move forward a bit, especially when there was a forbidden object just out of her reach. She also started teething and the doctor says we should see teeth by the end of the month (but we didn't). On a very exciting note, Amanda has learned to write her letters! She can write her own name and Robin's completely unassisted, and can write any other word or name when she is provided with the proper letters. Amanda is also the source of the majority of Robin's amusement. Robin's whole face lights up when she sees her big sister and when Amanda is moving around, Robin cannot stop watching her. Amanda, for her part, loves being the big sister and performing for her captivated audience.

During a break in the snow storms, Robin had her 6 month check up. She is doing great and meeting milestones. Incidentally, she is almost the exact same height and weight that Amanda was at this age. Robin is slightly bigger, but somehow seems to be outgrowing her clothing at a much faster rate.

We also had a lot of transition this month. Stacey returned to work and Robin started daycare. Robin is being cared for at the same day care where Amanda was as a baby, and they have even paired Robin with the same provider who took care of Amanda in the infant room. The teachers at the day care center are always very excited when Amanda comes along to pick Robin up
and she is greeted with calls of, "Hi, Amandita!"

We did a lot of playing in the snow this month, as well as crafts, a visit to the museum, celebrated Valentine's Day, and also celebrated Purim. Amanda had a blast at school, Robin did lots and lots and lots of chewing and drooling,
and she also made a new best friend: Baby in the Mirror.



Robin is 6 Months Old!

Time for a photo shoot!


Robin Started Day Care This Month


Here are the girls ready to go on Robin's first day at her "baby day care" (as Amanda calls it).

**Overheard this month: Future Techie**

“Email reminds everyone that Robin’s a baby.”

“I’m going to decorate Robin’s email.”

Robin likes the Jumperoo, but certainly not as much as Amanda did. She seems to tolerate it, and we don't put her in it very often.
She would much rather crawl around the floor and find things to eat or bump her head into.


Handyman Aleck

**Overheard this month**

 “Daddy, you have to remember to forget that.”

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

And snow, and snow, and snow

Snowmageddon. Snopocalypse. Snoverkill. Snoverwhelming. Whatever you want to call it, it was an incredible amount of snow. After getting 2 feet of snow in December, we were hit again with two back to back storms in one week, dumping another 2 feet on us. The federal government was closed all week, snow plows were few and far between on residential streets, and trash pickup was put on hold (which was fantastic, given that we were all trapped in the house for a week generating lots and lots of garbage).

The first storm started on Friday, leaving us with no power or heat for most of the day Saturday. Meanwhile, Stacey returned to work on the Wednesday before the storm, meaning she worked for 2 days and was then home for an entire week.

I spy with my little eye... our neighbor's car. Can you see it?


We finally escaped our house and made our way across the (as yet unplowed) street on Saturday.
We got to play with the equally-cabin feverish Elijah and Maggie

Amanda has her first cup of hot chocolate (the electricity had come back on by now).
The next day, we got to play!

Amanda tries to mount the wall off the driveway, then visits the neighbor's snowman.

Click for a video of Amanda climbing in the snow (video is 54 seconds).

Robin is not a fan.

Round 2: Another full day of snow, wind, and snow on Wednesday.


There's a car in there somewhere on the left. In the middle is the view down our front steps. On the right is Amanda's swing.

Solicitors Beware: The icicles hanging from our front porch.

The view out our ground floor window from the inside and out.

**Overheard this month**

“We love electricity, right?”

While stuck in the house...

Robin worked on crawling. Click for a video of Amanda cheering her on and demonstrating how to crawl (video is 3 minutes).



Amanda enjoyed hot chocolate


Amanda got cozy in her Snuggie and made Valentines


And Robin found more things to chew.


**Overheard this month**

 “I agree with my cornbread fork.”

What Do We Do With All This Snow??


Amanda attempts to make a snow angel on frozen snow.

Luna searches for a patch of grass. Too bad, Luna.

Swing... And A Miss.


Click for a video of Amanda attempting to swing (video is 25 seconds).


Amanda has become very interested in dinosaurs of late. We visited the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History to see dinosaur bones.

Amanda was also very excited to ride the Metro again.


**Overheard this month**

“Finish starts with F. And flower starts with F. I know two F words!”

What's Going On At Preschool This Month?

Playing, cooking, drawing, and of course, dress up.

Amanda and Casey atop the snowy mountain.

Getting ready for Purim- making Hamentaschen (both real and pretend)



Check out Queen Esther!



**Overheard this month**

”Let’s pretend for real!”

Maggie Loves Robin

Or, as you'd hear Maggie say it, "Baby Yobin."


Who Is That Smashing Young Lady?


Robin loves to get up close and personal with herself, even blowing raspberries onto her image.

Valentine's Cards from Grandpa Dave and Aunt Lois


Amanda very much enjoyed her card and the sparkly fairy stickers that were inside.

Robin takes a good look at her card before attempting to eat it.

**Overheard this month**


"Your choices for lunch are chicken nuggets or noodles from last night."


“I think grilled cheese sandwich is there, too.”

What's Robin Getting Into Now?
She's getting into the toy bin, literally.
And into the middle of Amanda's train track.
Purim Carnival
The temple's Purim carnival was lots of fun, including face painting, crafts, and games.

**Overheard this month**

“I don’t want to pick. I want to choose.”

Laughing and Playtime

Click for a video of Robin giggling (video is 37 seconds).


"Mmmmm. Intellectual magazines taste so much better than the others. More meat, I think."

See all of these pictures and more at our photo gallery

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