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Amanda Rachel & Robin Beatrice
Amanda was born on Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 3:16 pm
Robin was born on Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 9:24 pm

December 2012

Happy Holidaze!

**Overheard this month: Robin**

Stacey:   "When I go to work, I'm a Social Worker."
Robin:   "No... when you go to work, you're a Co-worker!"


I don't need help. I can do it MYSELF!

Tot Shabbat... with cookies!


Amanda snags a song sheet, Robin gets the Kiddush cup helper card, and the girls make sure to get seats next to Molly and Maddy.



Snappy Dressers


Bowling Birthday Party
We celebrated cousin Scott's 5th birthday with some duck pin bowling. Click Here to see these athletes in action.

**Overheard this month**

Amanda:   "I'll be done after this one."
Robin:   "I'll be done after this one."
Amanda:   "Copycat."
Robin:   "Me, too!"


Playing dreidel, eating chocolate coins, lighting candles, and opening PRESENTS!



Doing some puzzles while waiting very patiently to start the evening's festivities.


Amanda gets to use real candles and fire to light the menorah she made last year;
Robin is left with real candles, but no real fire. She does not seem to notice.



New Pajamas!

Charlie and Elena came to celebrate with us one night, too!


**Overheard this month: Amanda**

Amanda:    "I won't like you if you make that for dinner."
Stacey:    "I don't think what I make for dinner should have any bearing on whether or not you like me."
Amanda:    "Well, it's more your personality..."

Celebrating Hanukkah with Grammy and Emma





We saw lots and lots of Johnsons old and new. We got to hang with Matty and meet Katy. What fun!


There was a bit of a frenzy when we were opening presents...






The girls get in some beading and necklace-making during some down time.




That's all for this year, folks!

Click Here for a costumed countdown to 2013.

See all of these pictures and more at our photo gallery

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