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Amanda Rachel & Robin Beatrice
Amanda was born on Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 3:16 pm
Robin was born on Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 9:24 pm

July 2010

We have had a very fun, very hot month. There was not a lot of time outside, given the record breaking heat, but we made the most of our time inside. Robin worked in earnest to walk, but mostly succeeded in pushing stationary objects across the floor. She's a practiced cruiser and has so far succeeded in standing up without pulling up on anything, and she can stand independently for a while. Amanda started swim lessons and is doing a fantastic job. Robin absolutely hated the water until the day she turned 11 months, when suddenly the bath was the most exciting place to be. Ever since that day, she fights to get into the bathroom, stands at the tub, and giggles while trying to climb inside (and she does a pretty decent job of scaling the tub). Yes, Robin is a climber. If she can get a foothold in it, she will climb it.

Amanda started camp and is having a fabulous time. They have water play almost every day and special events like clowns, animals, and dress up days. She still loves to play dress up and lots of pretend play. She often talks on her toy cell phone as though she were really having a conversation with someone on the other end. She asks questions, waits an appropriate amount of time for a response, and then follows up. Sometimes we wonder if there's not really someone on the other end. One day she interrupted her conversation to say to her partner, "Wait, wait. You're on speakerphone" (which she hears us say a lot whenever she is actually talking to someone on the real phone).

During our brief time outside, the swing got a lot of use. Robin really likes the swing, but her favorite time is when Amanda pushes her. Amanda, for her part, loves to push Robin in the swing. Robin is also expanding her palette and her vocabulary. She has started repeating words (when the mood strikes her) and has been heard saying "banana" and "gentle" (when we pet the dog). She can also maneuver a pre-loaded fork into her mouth with some accuracy.

Robin is 11 Months Old!

Time for a photo shoot!

Click here for a video of Robin using her unconventional walking tool (video is 27 seconds).


**Overheard this month: ROBIN EDITION!**

"Ah-Dah" (Amanda)
"Dah-Dee" (Doggie- not Daddy, sadly)

Polished Princess
Amanda picked out approximately 20 different nail polishes for her fingers and toes.

Tot Shabbat!

We had a Red, White and Blue 4th of July Tot Shabbat, complete with Yankee Doodle hat craft.


Amanda was the candlestick holder; Molly and Madelyn shared the task of holding the candles.

Faren's Birthday Party!

Faren had a Halloween themed party. She dressed as a fairy. Amanda dressed as herself Fancy Nancy (there was no good picture of her).

Robin wore a red shirt and red shorts and dressed as a... Red Robin!

**Overheard this month**

"Robin, you’re the best sister in the whole land of Virginia."

Happy 4th of July


Robin was festive in her dress; Amanda opted for pink, of course.


Robin and Luna Are Becoming Friends

She's close to figuring out how to open Luna's treat container. Luna is very excited about this development.

**Overheard this month**

"Daddy, you always never wear your watch"

Happy Camper

Amanda is having a fantastic time at camp this summer.
They are squeezing in a little discreet learning among the games, animals, and snacks.





Water Play!



**Overheard this month: High Tech Edition**

Referring to a Blue's Clues puzzle: "Blue tooth puzzle"

Dress Up Days!


Inside Out and Backwards Day (Amanda opted for just backwards).


Wild West Day. On the left, Amanda dresses for dress up day. On the right, she is dressed as a cowgirl for the camp's Fashion Show.

Visit to Aunt Sheila and Uncle Mickey's

We were joined by Grammy, Aunt Helen, Shelley, Beth, Randi, Jayme, Max and Ian!


Robin gets cozy with Aunt Helen; Amanda plays with Max and Randi.

Robin shows Grammy how to shake the maraca.

**Overheard this month**

Referring to deflating and inflating a beach ball: "Un-air" / "Air it up"

Booster Seat!

Amanda has moved up in the world (or the car, anyway) and has graduated from her car seat to a booster.

Robin also benefited from this, as she moved from the infant carrier into Amanda's recently vacated car seat.

Playtime- Inside and Out




She likes to sit in the chair. One way or the other. Don't judge.

Click Here for a video of Amanda and Robin: Rockstars! (video is 53 seconds.)

Butterfly Garden at the Smithsonian
We took a trip to an indoor butterfly garden with live butterflies- just like Fancy Nancy did!
We were joined by Amanda's friend Elissa and her dad Gordon.




Gordon had a little visitor nest on the back of his head. Amanda and Elissa found it incredible.

This little blue butterfly tried to escape the enclosure when Stacey left. The woman working there had to wrangle it into a net.

Robin, of course, slept through the whole thing. Ron would be proud.

Summer Party with Stacey's Work

The Social Services Department got social at Susanne and Monica's house one night after work.

(The social services department is also called JA. JA stands for Jane Addams, the founder of social work.)
Amanda and Robin had a great time playing with Danny's and Benji's toys.
Amanda and Danny had so much fun playing in Danny's room and with his musical instruments.
Benji bounced while Robin banged; then Robin hung out with Wendy.
Oh, there were some people from work there, too.

Who Does This Child Belong To?
Daycare tells us to label each and every item. Our friend David likens Robin in her shoes to Andy's toys from Toy Story,
as though we are labeling her instead of just her shoes. He may have a point.

See all of these pictures and more at our photo gallery

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