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Amanda Rachel
Amanda was born on Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 3:16 pm


November has been a huge month for developmental milestones. Amanda has begun rolling (but then stopped once the novelty wore off), sitting (with the help of her hands), laughing (and she really makes you work for it), and teething. When on her belly, she tries to get up on all fours and has succeeded in scooting backwards and spinning around (prompting us to buy gates). She also survived her first cold and, happily, discovered her feet!




    An early attempt-- she can get as far as her side (November 2)


    By November 6, she completed her first rollover-- and then rolled back! (The ever-present pink bunny is there for support.)



Baby Jack is here! Amanda's new friend Jack was born on November 2 and came by just 4 days later
(all the way from next door) to meet her.


    Jack is only slightly smaller than Amanda was when she was born. Four months makes quite a difference!

Into the car and around the beltway to Grammy's house we go...



Sitting Pretty (with a little help from the Bumbo seat)



Oh, THAT'S what these toys are for! Amanda has discovered the joys of the Exersaucer.




Now that's a full couch! Hanging with Merrie and Chris.



Sending a birthday greeting to Oma on her special day, November 10th



Noah came for a visit! Amanda finally met her friend Noah, whose Mommies used to live in the area.
He's 9 months old.


Here he's going in for a kiss. He needs to work on his technique, though, because his kisses made Amanda cry. So then he decided to stare at her, and later, take her toy. Then he tried to make a move on her, and snuggled up close (though didn't actually sit on her).




To sit, or not to sit? That is the question.



Amanda's 5 months old! Here are some pictures from her five month photo shoot




Hey! Where did those feet go? I could have sworn they were here earlier...



    How big is Amanda? It depends on who she's sitting next to...



See all of these pictures and more at our photo gallery


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