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Amanda Rachel
Amanda was born on Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 3:16 pm

July 2008

This month we took a trip to Ohio to visit Barb, Chris, Katie & Cameron, and also Allison and Jeff. We also had lots of fun back home with Hannah at the park. July is also a big birthday month with Stacey, Piet and Stef all celebrating their birthdays in a 4 day span (and starting only 3 days after Amanda's birthday).
Amanda sends birthday greetings to her Uncle and Aunt (video is 40 seconds).

Amanda loves being 2 and will tell anyone who asks how old she is. We are lucky in that she is still pretty agreeable and listens well, but by the same token, we've heard that the 3s are worse than the apparently misnamed "terrible twos."

Possibly taking after her Grammy, Amanda LOVES her toy cell phones. She constantly has one stuck to her ear and she carries on lengthy conversations with various friends and family members. She'll say, "Hi. How are you?" and then go on to discuss the details of her day. "We're going to school! We're in the car! I have a hat. We can't take my toys into school. I'll leave them in the car and get them later!"

Amanda was moved in the next room at daycare and loves it. She runs into the room and just jumps up and down for a few minutes each morning in excitement. In this room, they have started to potty train her. It is not really working yet. We have also put together a new room at home for Amanda with a big girl bed and new furniture. Amanda loves to play in her new room, and we attempted to have her nap in there once, but apparently she's not ready for it. The first time she tried napping in there, she wouldn't stay in the bed. The next day, she stayed in the bed, but was too excited to sleep. Eventually she figured it out.

We continue to go to Tot Shabbat, which is a big favorite for Amanda, though we can't take pictures there.

A Visit with Chris, Barb, Katie and Cameron!

We spent about a week in Ohio and had so much fun. Our first night there was right after Stacey's birthday (which was also just a few days after Amanda's birthday), so there was a celebration with cake and a present for Amanda.


Cameron showed Amanda some love.

Cameron and Katie took Amanda to some of their favorite play places


"Outta my way!"


From the "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" files: Amanda's temper tantrum


Katie and Amanda went to a playground with a water park. Amanda is not a fan of the water.

Clearly, Katie is.

When we arrived at the water side of the park, Amanda saw a girl standing a spray of water and said, in a hushed tone of alarm, "That girl is all wet!" Amanda sat on the bench just watching all of the kids in the water with a very concerned look on her face the whole time. Barb figured that this is Amanda's version of a horror movie.


Amanda finally put on her bathing suit, but that's about as far as she got. Stacey carried her to the edge of the water area and put her on the sidewalk, which was wet. Amanda immediately turned and clawed at Stacey's legs, screaming, "I'm ALL WET!"

Amanda preferred the dry side of the playground

"This is more my speed."

**Overheard this month**

"Excuse me, gate."

Happy 4th of July!

Barb, Katie and Stacey went out at night to see the fireworks and a concert at the local high school field headlined by Rick Springfield (seriously!). And yes, he sings more than just "Jessie's Girl."


Barb and Stacey were very excited about the concert and enjoyed every minute. Katie... not so much at first.


But then she got a little dance fever, and all was well!


A visit with Allison and Jeff!
They haven't seen Amanda since she was 2 months old. What a difference!




Stacey and Allison were posing for pictures when they realized that Amanda was in the shot...
and they weren't sure if they were still in the picture at all!

And this is how the boys spent their time. Geeks to the core.

**Overheard this month**

Amanda, what are you doing? "I'm doing this."

Allison and Jeff took us to the Akron Zoo


Big hug for the condor... or not.


Check out the lion!

Can you see the flamingos in the background?

"Mommy, what are they doing?"


Perhaps we should give the turtles some privacy.

Zoo Train!



**Overheard this month**

"I'm not naked. I'm Amanda!"

Playdate with Hannah!

There are more cute pictures on Hannah's blog.


See all of these pictures and more at our photo gallery

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